“The Villager” magazine provides the people who live in the parish of Holywell-cum-Needingworth in Cambridgeshire with a regular quarterly publication containing information about local organisations and local events. Most of the advertisers are also local people providing local services, and it is these regular advertisers who fund the printing of the magazine. Over a thousand copies are delivered free of charge to every home in Holywell-cum-Needingworth.
“The Villager” is independent of the parish council, but supported by them with a promise of back-up funding in the event that advertising revenue falls short of costs. “The Villager” was started in 1992 by Geoff Trigwell. Then it was an 8 page black and white newsletter. George Britton took over as editor in 1994 and then Anne Bannell in 1997. She was editor for 5 years and by then the magazine was a semi-glossy publication with coloured headlines. Jennifer Horn took over as editor in 2003 and the magazine now typically runs to 32 pages and is printed in full colour. “The Villager” has won Cambridgeshire Community Magazine awards (sponsored by the Cambridgeshire Building Society) on several occasions including gold award in 2009, a bronze in 2012 and a previous winner’s award in 2015. Contributions for the magazine are welcome from any member of the local community; if you have something of interest to report, advertise or say, or photographs, stories or poems you think would be of interest to the villagers, please send them to the editor or use the “contact” page. |